
Posts Tagged ‘引落打’


《不動心》 心の置き場所はまことに難しく相手の動きをじっと見て、そこに心をとどめず、また心を転じて、転じたる所に少しも心の残らぬよう、一所に心を残さず相手の動きに惑わされないことである。

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I’m researching how I make mistakes in Hikiotoshi-uchi and how to fix those problems. There are many different ways to strike but the basic ideas are these two.
1 軌道を真っ直ぐにする (straight line. don’t curve)
2 叩かないで滑らせる (slide. not hitting)
Plus, there are three key advices that every Sensei seems to agree.
1 大きく打つ (large action)
2 放り投げるように打つ (throwing)
3 円運動 (circular motion)
There are two tips that every Sensei gives.
1 前の手を下げない (don’t drop front hand)
2 腰のターンを遅らせる (don’t turn your hip too early)
I believe these 7 points are the minimum requirements for good Hikiotoshi-uchi. There are various opinions regarding to the heights of front hand, the angle of Jo etc… but, it must be difficult to say there is only one correct way to strike because it depends on your physique.
However, there are reasons to make mistakes. I’ve written my theory in the last blog post but I’ve had chance to film two versions to compare last night. It looks similar but I’ve done it completely differently. Second version seems to have better feedback from Uchidachi. It’d be the best to compare videos with Sensei in Japan but I only have my memories from the last trip to their dojo. Please remember that this blog is all about my research and personal opinions. And a lot of thing I write here are most likely incorrect. Don’t take it serious when you read it. I’m only 3 Dan. If you had any advices, I’d be very happy to hear and like to try.
It’d go against gravity if you lift Jo upward but we often strike in this way. In this method, you’d use index finger and thumb area to lift. You’d also use bicep which will bend your elbow and often your shoulders open as the result. Jo will curve during the strike. Rear hand often slides while lifting Jo up. The front hand move forward because you are pushing Jo forward. Jo won’t stand up if the front hand keep moving forward and it will end up both elbows extended. This is one of reasons why some people lean forward, extending their arms and using just wrist to hit.
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重力に逆らって持ち上げる/lifting against gravity

重力に逆らって持ち上げる/lifting against gravity

勢いで打っているだけ。腰のターンと杖の振り下ろしがシンクロしない=気杖体の一致ではない/only hitting with right hand. hip turn and Jo will not sync=this isn't Ki-Jo-Tai

勢いで打っているだけ。腰のターンと杖の振り下ろしがシンクロしない=気杖体の一致ではない/only hitting with right hand. hip turn and Jo will not sync=this isn’t Ki-Jo-Tai

斜め前に持ち上げる場合、肘が横に出ます/lifting upwards will make my elbow come outside

斜め前に持ち上げる場合、肘が横に出ます/lifting upwards will make my elbow come outside

手を滑らせないように気をつけても、斜め前に持ち上げると、前の手が押し出されるので前傾しやすい/can’t stop leaning forward because front hand will be pushed forward too.

手を滑らせないように気をつけても、斜め前に持ち上げると、前の手が押し出されるので前傾しやすい/can’t stop leaning forward because front hand will be pushed forward too.

親指と人差し指で持ち上げると、スライドしてしまって手幅が狭くなりがち/lifting with thumb and index finger will often slide my hand

親指と人差し指で持ち上げると、スライドしてしまって手幅が狭くなりがち/lifting with thumb and index finger will often slide my hand

手幅が狭くなりやすいのを横から見た場合/from side view

手幅が狭くなりやすいのを横から見た場合/from side view

持ち上げると、肩や肘が開いて、杖の軌道がブレやすい/elbow and shoulder comes out. it’s easy to curve.

持ち上げると、肩や肘が開いて、杖の軌道がブレやすい/elbow and shoulder comes out. it’s easy to curve.

両者の癖は違いますが、左手が前に押し出されてしまうのは、原因の一つだと思います。後ろの手はもちろん開いています.../both have different problems but interesting to see their front hands move forward which causing them hard to strike with extended arms. Their rear hands are open and this doesn't help neither.

両者の癖は違いますが、左手が前に押し出されてしまうのは、原因の一つだと思います。後ろの手はもちろん開いています…/both have different problems but interesting to see their front hands move forward which causing them hard to strike with extended arms. Their rear hands are open and this doesn’t help neither.

It’s possible to lift Jo-saki up and forward without going against gravity by spinning. I’d use little finger and tricep to do this. Therefor I can guess when anyone open their rear hand in Kamae will fail (curve and hit side of Tachi) before they strike. I’d hook my little finger on my front hand too that it’d naturally keep my elbow close to my body. Tricep extend elbow joints and it’d help being out of way from Jo’s movement which keep it straight line. Front hand will be the key pivot point that need to concentrate not to move away from my body. It’s like spinning a bucket of water.
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重力に逆らわずに立てる/don’t go against gravity

重力に逆らわずに立てる/don’t go against gravity

ちょっと極端な映像ですが円運動が一番効率が良いと思う/This is slightly exaggerated but I believe a large circular motion is the easiest and quickest way to send Jo-saki forward.

ちょっと極端な映像ですが円運動が一番効率が良いと思う/This is slightly exaggerated but I believe a large circular motion is the easiest and quickest way to send Jo-saki forward.

比べると、捻りによるタメが無いのが分かる/no twisting and charging before strike

比べると、捻りによるタメが無いのが分かる/no twisting and charging before strike

重力を最大限使うには可能な限り垂直であるべき/Jo should be as vertical as possible in order to use gravity

重力を最大限使うには可能な限り垂直であるべき/Jo should be as vertical as possible in order to use gravity

後ろに投げるだけで、どのくらいまで自然に杖が動くのか?立ってからは重力で勝手に倒れる。/I can send Jo-saki forward by throwing to rear. Gravity will do the job from vertical point.

後ろに投げるだけで、どのくらいまで自然に杖が動くのか?立ってからは重力で勝手に倒れる。/I can send Jo-saki forward by throwing to rear. Gravity will do the job from vertical point.”


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It was a little bit difficult to explain last time so I’ve drawn lines on some of the movies. What happened was that I started and finished sliding right hand too early. I’ve marked every 10 frames. You can clearly see when Jo was the fastest, just before it strikes Tachi.
So, it did hit at the fastest speed but you won’t call this cutting. This is hitting. Like a golf? You can also see that left hand drops and Jo isn’t on top of Tachi to put weight on.
Muscles start being tensed from the start of sliding action and will be max at the finish. That must be one of main reasons why Sensei tell me to relax.
「杖先を投げるように (throw Jo-saki)」
「顔面を狙いないさい (aim head)」
「太刀を見るんじゃない (don’t look at Tachi)」
「前の手を下げない (don’t drop front hand)」
「杖を立てる (stand Jo up)」
「杖先を高く (Jo-saki higher)」
I had many advices from many Sensei and high-grades but what does it really do and change?
You still have space to slide when Jo meet Tachi
Basically that’s the answer I found. As you can see from the movie bellow, Jo move forward rather than downward if left hand moved forward and Jo’s angle isn’t quite vertical when you start sliding. Ideally I want to cut Tachi down with right hand sliding.
The Slide down action change to move forward action.
And downward power being used to move front hand down.
So what do I need to use the sliding action to downward cutting action?
I must remember what Sensei said.
How do I get rid of unnecessary tension and relax?
Let’s check when to use Tenouchi.

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Performing basic techniques correctly are actually difficult. I’m really bad at these and visiting Kashiwa dojo and checking with mirrors have been very helpful. Yasumaru Sensei told me if your techniques didn’t work, often because your Kamae was wrong to start with. I watch myself on movies and think that I’m not very good like High-grades or Sensei but, you can’t just stop here. You must find out why I look bad and why it doesn’t work?
So I compared with ZNKR Jodo dvd. My elbow is out and that’s why I look weird. There are many bad habits that I make subconsciously and I need to find out and change it.
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I checked on ZNKR Jodo manual and didn’t mention about the elbow. But I’ve read a lot about elbows in Japanese budo. We even have an expression “Waki ga Amai” meaning “having weak defences”. Not budo but even in Baseball and Golf shares the same thing, tack your elbows. I’ve been given the same advices on Tsukizue’s first Honte strike, Jo-Hasso to Honte strike on Suigetsu and Tsubawari’s catching Kote. I believe it’s one of important tips to make the techniques work.
But why? Is it because you can control the Jo better? I found I sometimes make bad Hikiotoshi-Uchi when my front elbow opens during a strike. I was thinking a lot of things when I attended Monday night’s Jodo only dojo practice.
I wondered if wearing Tabi socks give me something new discovery (as well as keeping my feet clean) but it was very difficult. I couldn’t use my legs very well because slipping everywhere but, like Momiyama sensei told me a few years ago, training with Tabi will teach me a lot in order to use my body to strike. I think this was my second time to wear Tabi.
Sensei told me to relax during Hikiotoshi many times but this was difficult because I wasn’t really trying to strike with force. I often get told not to use muscles and relax by many people. I really don’t strike hard. If I really relaxed, I couldn’t make Tenouchi because it’s very hard to synchronize my hip, hands and leg with Jo. I mean, even high-grade hits my Tachi and it feels like they are forcing with muscles. Only time I ever felt they didn’t use muscles and forced smacking my Tachi was Otake Sensei, Momiyama Sensei and Yasumaru Sensei. Plus some high-grades at Hokujokai in Japan. I thought it was the angle of Jo striking was the key but I seriously don’t know yet. I haven’t mastered this technique at all.
So let’s think why you believe a person is smacking that you want to tell him to “relax!”?
>Jo hit Tachi and make loud noise
Sometimes Uchidachi moves Tachi and hit on the side. You can’t really judge by just this sound but, it’s possible that Shi-Jo is smacking too.

>Striking down is very fast compare with the rest
Striking with hip turn increase the speed so much that it could look like swinging with right hand=smacking very hard but, this doesn’t mean your are forcing.

>Entire body is tensed when finish strike
I can’t use Tenouchi if I didn’t. Like I experimented before, there is a limit from just swinging Jo even the Hasuji is correct and you must use Tenouchi to make it work. Otake Sensei demonstrated to me last summer seminar and the effect of Tenouchi is amazing. Although, don’t need to do it too much I guess.
So above aren’t exactly the signs for people smacking. There must be something else that Sensei can spot that I am not relaxed. Let’s check my videos and find out. I say my answer to this now and it’s when I make Tenouchi. Most of my movies, I almost finished sliding my right hand before Jo meet Tachi.
It’s not the best angles but better than nothing. I was thinking about right hand not sliding down during Furikaburi with gently holding with 3 fingers. I must say none of my Hikiotoshi were good. I wasn’t happy with any of them. You really can’t hide any mistakes in slow motions and I found it very interesting.
Warning: Uchidachi were holding Tachi softly and Tsuka comes off from their left hand but it doesn’t mean my strikes worked. These are clearly didn’t work or how I wanted to strike. It didn’t feel right. It was just Ed and Carlos were very kind and made it look better.
This is the first Hikiotoshi strike I did in Dojo. I was really concentrating on the 3 fingers during Furikaburi and not to turn too early so Furikaburi is a little slow compare with striking down. I used my turning hip motion to strike down and it became Jo-Kyu instead of Jo-Ha-Kyu speed. Sensei told me to strike with 1 simple swing and relax. I didn’t really use centrifugal force if I strike like this. It was more like, hip turn strike with Tenouchi.
The biggest mistake I made at this training was the sliding while striking down. I must look into how you make mistakes with right hand.
What I didn’t do/have was the image of Jo meet Tachi angle. Without this, right hand finish sliding before Jo actually meet Tachi. You can’t use Tenouchi to strike Tachi if you already used your Tenouchi and it’d ended up like just swinging and smacking Tachi. Plus, your body will be tensed before you actually strike Tachi.
Do you remember Sensei tells you to “throw Jo-saki” and “aim head”?
This one was so bad that I needed to see it in slow motion. My body start turning when Jo is horizontal. I’m not using my rear foot and ended up turning too much. It means my Jo’s Hasuji moved and curved during the strike. I slided my right hand too early before Jo stood up vertically that my hands are too close when it hit Tachi. And I’m sliding so much with Tabi socks. This is a very good bad example.
In this video, I tried to strike Tachi as soon as he made Chudan kamae. So I started when he started to move from Hasso. This made me stay in Ma-hanmi longer which was good. Unfortunately my right hand started to slide too early and not much sliding when I wanted to use my Tenouchi when Jo met Tachi. I’m standing pretty much in a same place and probably means my Jo-saki was weak. Tenouchi is probably 5:5.
If right hand comes down early, left hand comes early too. You can see right hand isn’t following the circular motion and coming down in 45 degree angle to Tachi. Therefor the angle of Jo meet Tachi is still steep as well. It also look like trying to hit Tachi with left hand rather than right hand. This means Jo-saki’s speed wasn’t the fastest in this strike. If the left hand is too much forward when right hand start to slide, it’d end up having hands too close. It often means Jo-Saki is weak. Maai is wrong as well. I was checking a few things and I’m looking down after strike but, I certainly remember that I didn’t feel right when I striked this.
So I think the timing and Jo’s angle when you start sliding right hand is very important. If you slide too much too early then you have nothing left to slide when it hit Tachi. I believe if the Tachi wasn’t close to vertical before start sliding, I most likely end up like these movies. Maybe this is the differences between hitting and sliding Tachi.
So if the left hand is too much forward when right hand is ready (above my shoulder), Jo isn’t ready to strike down. Nothing synchronise.
If I finished my right hand sliding before hitting Tachi, it’d make me look tensed and smacking Tachi with force. Then Sensei would say to “relax! don’t force it”?
Movie bellow, my left hand isn’t as bad as but right hand slide too much toward Tachi and not towards heads. End up dragging left hand down too and hands too close at the end.
So I really should think about throwing forward.
My left knee isn’t soft and rear foot didn’t work. Front hand up too much made my right hand didn’t go as high. So end up front hand comes down too much too early. You can see my rear foot and hip that, you can also see from my left knee not soft but, my body axis moved to right. Probably the strike was slightly curved.

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Practicing basic techniques at Kashiwa dojo was fun. I should really have filmed as soon as I came back from Japan though… because
I separated in 3 parts at home trainings. This caused a problem in my Tenouchi. It was good to remember the position of my hands when Jo meet Tachi but, I personally shouldn’t try strike from here. Because I often don’t slide my right hand.

オススメしません Don't practice at home like this.

オススメしません Don’t practice at home like this.


So, don’t grip. It will stop and won’t cut. I’ve made some illustrations of how I want to strike. One thing I can say is that don’t just drop Jo-saki. It’s a circular motion. You often need to lift your heel up to compensate the problem or pull foot forward but, this will make you strike with one foot. I still believe you have to have a very good stable posture to make strong strike. One foot is not what I’m looking for.
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By the way, if you ever wanted to separate Hikiotoshi movements to practice, I recommend in 2 parts. Up and down, Ma-hanmi to Yaya-hanmi and learn the timing of Tenouchi. I’m sure it’s best to do it all in 1 motion but, I often hit ceilings so watch out…
I’ve made another sets of illustrations for how I used to make mistakes. This often doesn’t work. Or if it does, it’s just been striked with a lot of forces with big muscles, smacking and that’s about it.
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I had, maybe you have too, the very strong image of when Jo meet Tachi. Mine was about 45 degree like I draw above. It depends on the height, length of arms etc… but, if it was making a clear circle motion with my left hand in the centre, the angle won’t be 45 degree.
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In order to make 45 degree angle when Jo meet Tachi, my front hand must come down. However everyone tell me to DON’T DROP FRONT HAND! . Most of people lean forward to do this and think “I’m not dropping my front hand!” but when you look from side, you drop your hand a lot. Keep your posture straight. How do you think you can strike hard from learning forward on one foot like that!? I don’t know what you think but I don’t think this works.
Also, I sometimes do this but, don’t forget your rear foot. You end up like this.
Your hip turns too much when your rear foot turn too much and can’t stop. You can break harder if you try your heel down. That’s what I learnt from my experiences. This also happen if your front foot turn too much as well. Because your front knee can’t lock and collapse. These won’t keep Jo’s Hasuji straight and escape to sideway. You know the results.
The front hand is important but so as rear hand. If your rear hand doesn’t rise, the circle you make with rear hand will be small and it means don’t slide a lot. So what you must remember is that you keep the 3 fingers slightly squeezing like in Iaido. Not gripping but make sure it’s sticking to Jo. Then it won’t slide down during Furikaburi. Some Sensei tell you to “Keep Jo-saki higher” and this helps too.

右手小指側の3指をしっかり締めろ! Right hand will drop during the Furikaburi if you don't use "little/ring/middle" fingers.

右手小指側の3指をしっかり締めろ! Right hand will drop during the Furikaburi if you don’t use “little/ring/middle” fingers.

I’ve attached 2 Gyakuteuchi here. One of them has my front foot come forward too early. Maybe too much forward too. Anyway, I want to keep my front hand where it is as long as I can. It’s nice to see on video and check what I’m actually doing. But, it still looks like I’m striking with my upper body and I need to find a way to use my legs.
gyakute1 gyakute2
Here is another video zoomed. Maybe my right shoulder coming forward too much too early. Maybe something change if I had feeling of pulling. I know, Will know, Oli knows too but the fact Jo doesn’t need to move forward at all and can strike from exactly where it is means that I might need to move forward but Jo doesn’t.
I mean, because my right hand move forward, I can’t reach left hand or move forward. It’s the same in Hikiotoshi-Uchi and Honte-uchi. If I move my front hand forward, Jo-saki never comes forward.
Anyway, it was so bad that great study I had. I better remember how I used to strike in Japan. It wasn’t nothing like that! Can’t wait Monday training!!

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Most of my Jodo questions suddenly appears when I’m cooking in my kitchen. Because it’s small and have very slippery floor (and I have a pair of long chopsticks).
My biggest problem in Gyakute-Uchi is “can’t reach” and “can’t ride Tachi (like in Hikiotoshi)”. Often ended up leaning forward and both hands down when I finish. I’m sure a lot of people do the same. You know the result.
Sensei and high grades are not leaning forward too much, they break Uchidachi’s balance and not unnecessary movements in Jo-saki to Ganmen action. It’s calm, smooth and steady strikes.
Hokujokai taught me that the key is Kiri-Otoshi just like Hikiotoshi. I don’t think I managed to strike like that at all during my visit to their dojo. Probably because I didn’t truly understand the meaning of “the same as Hikiotoshi-Uchi”.
So, if I could strike good Gyakute-Uchi, my Hikiotoshi-Uchi will be better, right? or maybe I can adopt the Hikiotoshi-Uchi tricks into Gyakute-Uchi and it should work…?
Inoue Sensei gave me a tip “try hit your rear hand to Kissaki” but I couldn’t reach. There is something stopping me from stretching my arms. Do I just simply move my front foot forward? or pull rear foot? Probably not.
Warning: There are no proof and this is just my thoughts.
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If you do Iaido, I think you would understand my idea. If I was to keep Hasuji in Jo, Tsuka-gashira (Jo-end) should finish in centre like in Kesagiri and Ukenagashi. And the centre of circle should be very strong. Cut with left hand in Iaido, right?
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I draw illustrations from ZNKR Jodo dvd, Arai sensei’s Gyakute-Uchi. It seems to me that all the powers gather in a single point in order to have strong centre of the circle. The Tenouchi is my imagination but, there are not many other options to make Jo-saki stronger. I also made my Gyakute-Uchi version, how I often strike and why it doesn’t work.
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I thought there is a clean circle in Sensei’s while drawing these. Bad version have stretched arm that loose balance. Often dive from head and very dangerous when you miss Tachi.
What really different from Hikiotoshi is the distance. How do I make it closer without loosing my balance? I’m thinking about it since last xmas.
If I move my front foot forward, I often don’t change the angle of my foot. If I pull my rear foot, I often put too much weight on front foot that ended up striking with one foot.
So using the Hikiotoshi tricks, turn with hip to add speed but also pull rear foot. Moving front foot but in Yaya-Hanmi angle (30~45 degree), knees soft and make my upper body relaxed. Then maybe I can ride Tachi and strike like Sensei?
I haven’t had chance to try it yet so I can’t say if this work but, I hope it works. And there is actually one more thing to think about while Gyakute-Uchi. It’s what Yasumaru Sensei said about Hikigiri. I haven’t managed to use it in Hikiotoshi-Uchi yet but, Gyakute-Uchi must use Hikigiri. And if Gyakute-Uchi and Hikiotoshi-Uchi are the same then I should be able to use the feeling of this Hikigiri to Hikiotoshi in order to make this technique large and powerful? Maybe I can find something new this weekend practice if anyone wanted to practice Jodo with me…

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The most difficult part in Hikiotoshi compare with techniques like Honteuchi is the timing of Tenouchi and how lower part of your body changes during the strike.


It’s much easier to set feet positions and transfer power from your feet to Jo-saki in Honteuchi because feet, legs and a hip won’t move after it’s been made.

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However you must keep transferring your force from feet while your hip turning, legs changing shapes and feet turning from when Jo touch Tachi till finish sliding in Hikiotoshi.


The movement suddenly stop if you set your hip and legs when Jo touch Tachi. And if you try to set your hip and legs when Jo finish, this won’t work neither.


Therefor, Tenouchi must start from when Jo touch Tachi and gradually adding force and finish 100% when Jo blow Tachi away by using your legs.


Here are advices I’ve received about legs for Hikiotoshi.


Use your hip to strike
Don’t rise rear heel
Don’t turn front foot too much

And this is what I noticed.
(Body slightly sink and move forward)


I think Kuritsuke is the best one to learn how to make lower body. The key is your knees point slightly out than your feet, bum not sticking out, hip bone is level with floor and straight posture. What you want to avoid is your knees corrupting inward.


The front side of rear hip stretched, knee straight and slightly pointing out than rear foot in Honteuchi. The angle of rear foot will naturally be between 30-45 degree in order to keep rear knee engaged. This depends on physiques. For example my leg shape is “A” in the illustration bellow. Because I grew up in Japan sitting down on floor in Seiza position. You must think again what is natural when Japanese sensei say. It might not be natural to you.

Everyone is different.

Everyone is different.


This is what I think:


Try not to tilt hip bone while moving your weight forward by using your knees soft and flexible when you turn. And you will naturally sink but only slightly.



Next, hip turns and the speed of Jo-saki dramatically increase so that you need to control this with feet to stop from turning too much then loose the power and it’s direction. The angles of feet might be different depends on physiques but, you must press your feet down at the right positions.


I believe front foot finish at Yaya-hanmi like position and front knee slightly pointing out at the moment when you finish Tenouchi. And rear heel down to stretch front side of rear hip. Both knee slightly bend to give freedom in upper body.


I think you need to be able to plant yourself and connect feet, legs, hip, shoulders, elbows, hands to Jo-saki at any moments from the beginning of Jo touch Tachi to finishing point. Therefor, it shouldn’t be like hitting a nail action but cutting. Gradually connect all of these from feet to Jo-saki during the Hikiotoshi strike, rather than stoping at wrong point.


We sometime practice Hikiotoshi in two separate parts “strike” and “attack Ganmen” but this is because beginners often move their body before Jo. I’d like to start connecting these two actions.


What I mean is that need to study what rear foot should be doing.


It doesn’t do anything if I kept rear foot where it is all the time while striking Tachi, and also from there to attack Ganmen. I most likely, need to lean forward to strike and my bodyweight on front foot. It might be my habit but, this cause my rear knee bend when I finish attacking Ganmen. Because when I step forward to attack Ganmen, all of my weight is still on front foot. It takes a lot of effort to stretch it. However I’m leaning forward as well and this make it difficult. Not very good balance, too much unnecessary movements and I don’t think putting weight on one side is a good posture in Budo.

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What I’m trying to adjust is moving rear foot only slightly forward like Gyakute to close distance. It could be only 1 cm but it changes everything. If you keep your body axis in centre and turn, your rear foot should come closer to front foot if the front foot is in the same place. Someone asked me if I need to put body weight on front foot to do this but no. It’s like keep your weight balance equal on both feet but turn. You must bend your knees and sink to do this but not too much. Slippery floors and socks helped me to understand how.


I’ve been told from Yasumaru sensei many many times but the most important thing is how to use knees.


I don’t think you need to sink too much. But if you try to turn naturally with knees soft, you must sink down slightly. What’s important here is that if you put weight on front foot, can’t use rear foot. Body will stuck on floor and loose flexibility, unless the body axis is from head through spine and vertical to floor like floating.

That’s why you can’t use feet but hip to turn. As soon as you start using your feet, you get stuck. It’s all about using hip and soft knees.


The posture should be the same as Honteuchi strike when you finish. Therefor, tilting body axis and putting weight on front foot when finished striking Tachi and all these doesn’t help to come back up to attack Ganmen. I’m sure you can do it but not the easiest way to do it. It’s not practical neither.

And I’m pretty sure you just hit the Tachi with just upper body.


There are contrast in Kata and techniques are quick, fast and large actions but seems very relaxed in Sensei’s enbu. We often try to make contrast in Kata but actually just moving body weight from one to the other, or just wait longer after strikes etc… I found these very strange when I compare with Sensei’s.


What is most clear to me that Sensei doesn’t move a lot and doesn’t sweat much. But I think it’s wrong to say that it looks less powerful or dynamic etc… The techniques doesn’t come from muscles but postures and Tenouchi, and Jo control Uchidachi’s movements. The powerful techniques doesn’t come from scary face expression, shouting loud nor speeding up everything.

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As far as I know, there are Fukuoka and Tokyo styles in Koryu Jodo. Seitei Jodo come from Tokyo style and UK Jodoka study Tokyo style Koryu since Hiroi sensei introduced over 35(?) years ago.
Personally I understood that Fukuoka style is aggressive and not too fussy about angles of feet etc… as long as it’s natural to them and the techniques works correctly. Everyone has different physiques and those details seems quite flexible. Tokyo style is slightly safer version in order to popularise and strict with details. I believe this was necessary to teach police forces and have a structure like army school. Also I’ve heard that there were a lot of famous Kendoka in Tokyo and Shimizu sensei adjusted the techniques to convince them. I might be very wrong but that’s what I read on internet.


I’ve read that Kendo originate from Hokushin Itto Ryu. Shinto Muso Ryu Jo is founded by Muso Gonnosuke who mastered Katori Shinto Ryu and received Kashima Shin Ryu’s secret Ichi no Tachi, in order to defeat Musashi’s Niten Ichi Ryu.

Does that mean Shimizu sensei made adjustments to Hokushin Itto Ryu which is said to be the one of most modern Kobudo Ryuha?

The characteristic features of Hokushin Itto Ryu is “No matter who is your enemy, fast attacks with Kiri-Otoshi (cut down) their Tachi and dominating with extremely fast Tsuki, strike the sign of their attack” and practice Kaeshi Waza (counter attacks) with Shinai instead of old style Kumi Tachi, and focused on Suri Ashi to quickly move forward and back.

Kashima Shinto Ryu and Katori Shinto Ryu are originated from Kenjutsu with armours. The postures are deep and attack area where weak points in armours such as neck, armpits, wrists, above hip, inside of thighs etc… Shinto Ryu Kenjutsu which we also learn in Koryu Jo, attacks these areas too.

For example, Tachiotoshi in Koryu Fukuoka and Tokyo are very different. I’ve read the “Jodo Uchidachi Nyumon” by Matsui sensei and found this very interesting. Seitei and Tokyo quickly counter attack like Kendo. (warning: I’ve never Kendo in my life)

This might affect Hikiotoshi too.
The first Hikiotoshi I learnt which is very common in UK and Europe are, front hand rise, make Seme with body, whip like action to Tachi and Tenouchi is like sliding and pushing with both hands on Shinogi. Therefor Jo stop just bellow horizontal and bounce back to Ganmen immediately. Feeling of Seme is projecting forward and very much focused on the attack. This is what I felt and I’m sure everyone feels differently but, not only the Tenouchi but everything reminds me of Kendo’s strikes. (warning: I’ve never Kendo in my life!)
On the other hand, the characteristic differences of Yasumaru sensei and Hokujokai are, Jo-saki rise, add weight by centrifugal force, use hip to add speed. Front hand project Seme but Jo-saki is really the one making the action large. Riai is Go no Sen and Kiriotoshi (cut down) Tenouchi means the Jo-saki must come down to Knee height. Therefor it’d take longer to come back to Ganmen. However, the force is greater and loose Uchidachi’s balance, also Jo’s controlling Tachi. I can agree with their Riai.
Looking at the last week’s Ueda sensei’s seminar in Okehampton, I can see her Hikiotoshi is similar to Yasumaru sensei’s.

Maybe the differences in Hikiotoshi are “deep posture with large cut like old school” and “hip high and cutting like Kendo”? Perhaps learning Kendo helps me understanding these.

ところで、伝書には「突けば槍 払えば薙刀 持たば太刀 杖はかくにも 外れざりけり」とあるように、杖は持てば太刀と同じ扱い方をするべきなのでしょう。ならば槍の手の内や、薙刀の手の内というのも、気になってきますね。
By the way, in the old book there is “Cut like a sword, thrust like a spear, sweep like a naginata.” so, thinking about Kiriotoshi (cut down) in Hikiotoshi make sense. But then how about a spear’s Tenouchi in Tsuki?
We looked at the Tsuki from Kuritsuke last night at Ryoshinkan Dojo. Seitei was like Soete Tsuki in Seitei Iai but Koryu seems to be more pushing by sliding front hand. Then I had a question.
I don’t know which style he learned but Muso Gonnosuke is a master of Katori Shinto Ryu that teach Spear techniques. It probably means this school. It looks like twisting rear hand in this video.


More and more I research about Tachi, there is a theory in Hokushin Itto Ryu called “Norimi” meaning attack with feeling of going on top of your enemy. Seme with Ki (=spirit) and the secret is to be on top of enemy trying to strike but not too early or too late. I think I can see from first Kata in this video. Shinkage Ryu also has Go no Sen theory. “Kiri Otoshi (cut down)” and “Noru (get on)” keep coming up in my research and I feel that I must study on this further.

I’m currently studying about how feet works in Hikiotoshi. I’ve learnt how angles of feet and knees affect the connection between legs and upper body to Jo-saki in Japan. The Hikiotoshi will generate power and make Tachi move a lot if you rise Jo close to your body, use hips to add speed, keep correct hands width apart, use knees soft to reduce upper body’s stress. It works even when I’m feeling nervous and out of breath. Last night training, I really can’t say that was the best Hikiotoshi like what I’ve done in Japan (while sensei shouting at me) but I think it’s better than before. I still need to remember the advices and polish the techniques but also, I MUST understand how legs works.
It adds power by using knees soft to sink posture and slightly move weight forward “naturally” but I don’t think all of my legs power has travelled to Jo-saki. It must be to do with the angles of my feet. If my front foot turns too much, I can’t use it, or best to say “plant myself” if my English was correct.
I’ve been running a lot and I’d like to learn how to use this muscles. It’d be a waste!

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This is what I’m currently trying to fix my problems in order to Hikiotoshi like Yasumaru Sensei in Hokkaido and other Hokujokai members. I believe there are a lot of different ways to strike and this is just one of them. Because I haven’t managed to actually strike properly yet that I’m not confident with any of bellow. Don’t take it seriously what I’m writing here…
>繰り付け、引落打、体当たりと色々あるが、全部同じ構え (There are many techniques start from Hikiotoshi-Kamae but some people change depends on Kuritsuke, Hikiotoshi, Taiatari etc… This should be Mu-gamae which means No-Kamae. I shouldn’t let Uchidachi know what I’m going to do next. There is only 1 Hikiotoshi-Kamae.)
変に勢いを付けて前傾して構えたりしないこと。正しい姿勢を心がける。(Do not lean forward, change stances etc… Keep correct posture in mind.)

>足幅は広くとり過ぎない (Feet not too wide apart)
正対した時に太刀から遠くなるからである。後ろ足の踵が上がる原因の一つであり、体軸が前傾する原因の一つでもある。(I will be too far from Tachi when I turn. Also this make your rear heel come up and lean forward.)
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>後ろ足の爪先が90度を超えないように (Rear foot no more than 90 degree)
正対した時に足幅が広くなり、太刀から遠くなる原因になる。(I will end up my feet wide apart when I turn.)
>前後の足が一直線上にないように注意 (Don’t have my feet on a line.)
バランスが崩れる原因になる。(I will loose balance when I turn.)
>前足を真っ直ぐ打太刀に向けず、1時の方向に (Front foot 1 O’clock angle)
前足がターン出来る角度を増やすことができる。(My front foot will be able to turn more.)
>前の手は左胸に付ける (Keep my front hand on my chest)
正対した時に、前の手は正中線より(自分から見て)右にあってはならない。(Front hand can’t be right side of Seichusen when I turn.)
>後ろの掌は外を向く(Rear hand face out.)
手だけではなく、胸を開くように、肩甲骨を柔らかく使うことで、腕を回しやすくなる。 (Not only the hand but open my chest and soften rear shoulder blade in order to swing rear arm easily.)
>杖先は足の指を向く (Jo-saki should be pointing rear toes.)
杖先が踵の方へ向くと、杖の軌道がズレる。(It’d will strike sideway, it it’s pointing heels)
>後ろの手は3指で締める (Rear hand hold Jo with 3 fingers)
居合の切る手の内と同じである。筋肉を緊張させず、下の筋肉を使ってコントロールをすることで、肩が上がらず、下半身と連動し、無駄無く速く打てる。 (The same as Iaido. Don’t tense muscles by gripping or not holding at all to loose control. Don’t let shoulders rise and using the 3 fingers will connect my legs and help rise Jo-saki quicker without any unnecessary movements.)
>前の手を支点にして、杖を体に沿わせて振りかぶる (Front hand will be the centre of rotation and Jo travel close to your body)
体に沿わせることで、ブレを防ぐ。壁の前で練習すると癖を直しやすい。 (It’d help rotating Jo straight rather than curving. Practicing near a wall will help.)
>前の手を抱え込まない (Don’t tuck in my front hand.)
支点にするのと、抱え込むのは違う。前の手を使って打つこと。(Must be able to use front hand to strike.)
>後ろの肘を曲げて、柔らかく使う (Bend rear elbow and keep it flexible.)
とにかく杖の動きを邪魔しないように。(Don’t let it in a way of Jo’s movement.)
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>後ろから大きく振り上げる (Large action from rear.)
加速度が上がるのと、ブレを防ぐ。(Rotate faster and stop wobbling rotation.)
>前の手を胸から離さない(Don’t let front hand away from body.)
振りかぶりで手が離れるとブレが生じる上に、攻めが消える。離れる癖があるのなら、少し手前に引くようにしてみる。 (It loses the centre of rotation and start to wobble. Also lose Seme. Slightly pull it towards centre because it keeps moving away during Furikaburi.)
>杖先を高く上げる (Jo-saki higher)
技を大きくするには、前の手を挙げても意味がない。杖先が先に動き、杖先を高く。(Jo-saki need to move first. Jo-saki higher make action larger. Not my front hand first.)

>杖先の質量を感じる (Feel the weight on Jo-saki.)
杖は長く使うことで威力が増す。杖先が重く感じることができれば良いと思う。 (Use the Jo long and add power to it.)
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>杖が視界に入るまで真半身 (Keep Ma-hanmi until I see Jo in my sight.)
杖先が上がりきる前に動けばブレる。 (Turning ealry will change the Jo-saki’s course.)
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>前の脇を締める (Don’t open your front armpit)
脇が開くとコントロールしづらくなり、そして前の手が動き過ぎると杖先が走らないからである。 (Make it harder to control. And Jo-saki slow down if I move the centre of rotation forward too much.)
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>杖先を放り投げるようにということ (Throwing Jo-saki.)
つまり前の手を下げないこと、そして杖先を動かすことを意識することで、遠心力を殺さない。 (It means DO NOT DROP FRONT HAND. Jo-saki need to move fast. Do not kill speed.)
>前の手を下げない (Don’t drop front hand.)
太刀に乗るため。(In order to be on top of Tachi.)
>腰の回転で杖先を加速させる(Use hip to turn.)
左の腰が後ろに行けば、勝手に右の手が前に出る。 (Left hip go behind and right hand come forward. Like Iaido and running. Adding speed without my arm muscle being tensed which slow everything down.)
>後ろの手を切先に打つけるような気持ち (Like hitting rear hand on Kissaki.)
前傾しないで出来る下半身の使い方を研究する。 (This is difficult but study how to use lower body without leaning forward to do this.)
>手幅を狭くさせない (Keep correct hands width apart.)
狭くなるほどコントロールが出来なくなる。 (I will loose controll and Jo become weaker.)
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>前傾しない (Don’t lean forward.)
バランスが崩れるということは、下半身の力を伝導出来ない。 (Loosing balance means my lower body doing nothing.)
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>腰を落下させる (Fall)
膝を柔らかく使い、体重と重力を使う。 (Use knees soft and body weight/gravity to add power.)

>手の内は止める手ではない (Tenouchi isn’t for stopping.)
切り下ろす手の内を使うことで、最大限の力を伝えられる。 (It’s the same as Cutting Tenocuhi in Iaido.)
>後ろの踵を浮かせない (Don’t lift rear heel.)
爪先立ちになるということは、力が逃げている。 (If I end up tip toe, I must have lost some of powers.)
>大きく回して、引き切る (Large action and Hikigiri.)
円が大きければ遠心力は大きくなる。 (Bigger the rotation, bigger the effect.)
>引き切りしつつも、体重は前進する (Hikigiri but my body weight travel forward.)
そんな気がする。 (I just wondered this might be the answer…)
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>前の手は鳩尾辺りにくる (Front hand finish on my navel.)
常に杖をコントロール出来るように、手幅に気を付けて、引き切りした結果そうなる。 (It just happen if I keep my hands in correct width apart and Hikigiri.)
>円の下を使って打つ (Use bottom part of circle to strike)
前の手を下げないということは、つまり時計の2時半から5時までを打つ気持ち。(Not dropping front hand means striking 14.30 to 17.00)
>杖先は床まで降ろす (Jo-saki to the floor.)
杖の刃筋は打太刀の左目から右足の親指くらいをイメージして行うと乗りやすい。 (Jo’s Hasuji is Uchidachi’s left eye to right foot’s big toe.)
>手の内は居合よりも遅い (The timing of Tenouchi is later than Iaido’s)
タイミングが早すぎると止まる原因にもなる。(Start from when hit Tachi. Not before.)
>切り落とす (Cut)
乗る (Win)
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>膝を柔らかく使う (Use knees soft)
杖の邪魔をしない。(Don’t be in the way of Jo. Don’t loose balance.)
>打たない (Don’t strike)
打とうと思えば思うほど、失敗する。技は杖先にあり、自分じゃない。(Make more mistakes when you try. Let Jo-saki do the job.)

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